Erin and David are good friends of ours from Luke's college days in Denver. Whenever we are around these two it's like an all you can joke and story buffet. We leave with sore bellies from laughing so hard. It is truly and honor to call them our friends and we can't wait to see these two tie the knot in October. Cheers to Erin & David! We love you guys!
Renee and Kody have been a couple of our dearest friends for a few years now. Both of them are the kind of people who stop everything that was going on in their own lives to give of their time and talents for someone else. Renee is a fabulous musician who has a love for conspiracy theories, italian food, bicycles, and laughter. She is beginning her career this fall; teaching middle schoolers to think deeply and observe the world with the same wide-eyed curiosity that she posses. Kody is a murse/renaissance man with too many talents to name. He loves to serve his friends from behind the scenes, whether that means rewiring your house or planning ridiculous themed parties that bring all kinds of people together for a night of merriment and dancing. Speaking of dancing, Kody and Renee are famous for their spectacular choreographed fight-dance-productions throughout various dance floors in CO and CA. It has been amazing for us to see their relationship blossom from friends to lovers, and we couldn't be happier for them. We can't wait to see what the future holds for these two.